
Horror Punk Italia

Support the Italian Horror Punk Scene!!!!

Horror Punk Italia Presents: Screams From The Grave!

01. Mange's Dogs - Squaraus Song - http://www.myspace.com/mangesdogs 02. Coffinshop - Psychoman - http://www.myspace.com/coffinshopband 03. Splatters - Killerclown - http://www.myspace.com/coffinshopband 04. Reanimators - Candlemass Of Reality - http://www.myspace.com/reanimatorsband 05. Rat Mousquè - Psychotic Noises - http://www.myspace.com/ratmousque 06. Dirty Danzig - Voodoo Death (exclusive prewiev from the demo out on October 2011) - http://www.myspace.com/dirty_danzig 07. The Hewitts - I Don't Wanna Kill Your Baby - http://www.myspace.com/thehewittsbandvr 08 - Living Dead Army - Zombieland - http://www.myspace.com/thelivingdeadarmy

domenica 3 luglio 2011

Voodoo Zombie - Santa Muerte [2011]

Genere: Horror Punk - Psycho Billy
01. Pacto con Satanas
02. Con estos chicos no se juega
03. Maleficio de Luna
04. Lost in the City of Vampires
05. Estas botas son para caminar
06. Santa Muerte
07. Video Snuff
08. El Zombie
09. Roller Derby GO!
10. Paramar (Cover de Los Prisioneros)
11. Hombre Voodoo Español
12. Whiskill

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